2024: A new book manuscript on Taiwan and Canada was just moved into production. Order your desk/exam copy here: Tiuⁿ Chhang-Miâ (Minnie Mackay, 1860?–1925): Life in Taiwan's Contested Colonial Space.
Podcast interview with Dr. Parks Coble (University of Nebraska Lincoln), about his new book The Collapse of Nationalist China: How Chiang Kai-Shek Lost China’s Civil War (Cambridge University Press, 2023),published on October 14, 2023.
Podcast interview with Dr. Don Wyatt (Middlebury College in Vermont), about his book Slavery in East Asia (Cambridge UP, 2022), published on August 17, 2023.
Podcast interview with Dr. Theodor Tudoroiu (Trinidad and Tobago) and Dr. Anna Kuteleva (Britain), about their edited volume, China in the Global South: Impact and Perceptions (Springer, 2022), published on May 13, 2023.
Podcast interview with Prof. Scott Moore of University of Pennsylvania about his new book, China's Next Act: How Sustainability and Technology are Reshaping China's Rise and the World's Future(Oxford University Press, 2022), released on December 13, 2022.
Professor Dong WANG (she/her/hers), new book, Tse Tsan Tai (1872–1938):
An Australian-Cantonese Opinion Maker in British Hong Kong, published in June 2023.
The revised and second edition of The United States and China: A History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present was published in the United States by Rowman & Littlefield in August 2021. See here.
In early May 2019, Dr. Daniel H. Bays (1942-2019), who pioneered the study of Christianity in China together with John K. Fairbank of Harvard University, passed away. For an obituary for him, see here.
***The image above is from a 1900 cartoon about a firm Uncle Sam giving the Qing (1644-1911) imperial court choices of peace and war during the Boxer Uprising of 1899-1900. For more, please click on the U.S.-China Podcast page.
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